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Acclaimed Recognition for her grace and lyrical movements in Odissi , Sruti Swyamsiddha , Ph.D Scholar in Odissi Dance (Performing Arts), is a notable gem in Odissi field. She is dedicated to Odissi from the tender age of 4. She is trained under the guidance of Guru Smt Sujata Mohapatra and Guru Giridhari Nayak. One Eminent Russian Dance Critic has mentioned in some of her performances “Dancers like Sruti Swyamsiddha make Odissi worthwhile and more elegant , A True Artist ”. Swyamsiddha is born to a culturally inclined family where dance, music and every other art form is highly nurtured. Her Parents , have been the pillars of encouragement since the formative years of her career.
The DANCE SECTION of Symbiosis is under the able guidance of Sruti Swyamsiddha. She has been training students with utter dedication .She holds a Masters Degree in Fine Arts (Dance) from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata.
Performances in some Dance Festivals –Sruti has performed extensively with huge applauds . Being a National Scholarship Holder from Ministry of Culture, Govt of India, she has performed in various prestigious festivals like Uday Shankar Dance Festival , Govt, of West Bengal , International Odissi Dance Festival , Govt. of Odisha , Unity in Diversity by Ministry of Culture, Hyderabad, Mahari Festival , Bhubaneswar, ISKCON Rath Yatra Festival Kolkata , GuruKrupa Nrutya Samaroh , Reva University, Bangalore, Rasollas Dance Festival , Hyderabad, ISKCON Snan Yatra Mayapur , Gundicha Dance Festival , Sadhna Dance & Music Festival , Navapallava (hosted by Guru Smt Rama Vaidyanathan , Seva Kala Samaroh, Kolkata , “NAMASTE THAILAND” and many more. She has also conducted many dance workshops in different universities of India and invited as Guest Speaker & Guest Performer by several organisations .